

Page history last edited by Gwen Foss 16 years ago


The Bookshop At the Center of the Universe

Welcome to the Friends of TomFolio wiki. It's a look beyond the walls of our bookstores into what our booksellers do when they aren't selling books. It reflects their other interests, as well as learning and sharing more about books (both used and new), authors and, yes, even bookselling.


They go home and cook dinner. They interact with their families and pets, enjoy music and the theater, and participate in sports and games. They tend their gardens, create arts and crafts, and get involved with their communities and clubs...just as others do. And many are also writers. In this wiki they share what they are learning and doing as well as reading. And they often review the books they’ve read.


We hope you'll find our Friends of Tomfolio wiki friendly, fun and informative. We are always changing so visit us again soon – and thanks for coming.


















The Good Old Days

Some of our booksellers talk about what it was like when they were young!


Some editorial viewpoints

More Information about

Search Our Inventory of Used Books and Ephemera by Title, Author, or Keyword

Browse TomFolio's Inventory Here

A Not-So-Short History of

Our Code of Ethics

Our Bylaws

Our Board of Directors

A Brief FAQ

Information on Becoming a Member-Dealer


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