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Edward S. (Sidney) Aarons (1916-1975)


Forrest J. Ackerman


Cleve F. (Franklin) Adams (1895-1949)


Clifton Adams (b. 1919)


Madame Albanesi [Effie Adelaide Maria Albanesi] (1859-1936)


Marvin H. Albert (b. probably circa early 1920s)


Brian W. Aldiss


Mabel Esther Allan (b. 1915)


Ted Allbeury [Theodore Edward le Bouthillier Allbeury] (b. 1917)


Grant Allen [Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen] (1848-1899)


Henry Wilson Allen (b. 1912)


Eric Ambler

Eliot Reed with Charles Rodda


Kingsley (William) Amis (b. 1922)


Lacey Amy [William Lacey Amy] (d. 1962)


Karen Anderson


Poul Anderson (1926-2001)


Lucilla (Matthew) Andrews


William (Thomas) Ard (1922-1960)


Charlotte Armstrong (1905-1969)


Richard Armstrong (b. 1903)


Fenton Ash [Frank Atkins]


(Dr.) Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)


Gertrude Atherton (1857-1948)


Pierre Audemars (b. 1909)


Mary Austin (1868-1934)


Michael Avallone [Michael Angelo Avallone, Jr.] (b. 1924)


Esther (Holden) Averill (b. 1902)



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Priscilla Baker-Carr

Franklin W. Dixon In 1971 she rewrote, abridged, revised, modernized (and, according to some people, obliterated) the Hardy Boys Mystery Series


Gordon C. (Cortis) Baldwin (b.1908)


Willis Todhunter Ballard (1903-1980)


Bill S. Ballinger [William Sanborn Ballinger] (b. 1912)


Florence L. (Louisa) Barclay (1862-1921)


Countess Barcynska [Marguerite Florence Jervis] (1894-1964)


S. (Squire) Omar Barker (b. 1894)


Susan Barrie


Harry Bates


L. (Lyman) Frank Baum (1856-1919)


Betty Beaty


P. A. (Peggy Anne) Bechko (b. 1950)


L. (Lily) Adams Beck (d. 1931)


Eric Temple Bell (1886-1960)


Robert Leslie Bellem (1902-1968)

Franklin Charles with Cleve F. Adams

John A. Saxon


Pamela Bennetts


E. C. [Edmund Clerihew] Bentley (1875-1956)


Phyliss (Eleanor) Bentley (1894-1977)


John Berryman


Jack M. (Miles) Bickham (b. 1930)


Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?)

Dod Grile

William Herman with Thomas A. Harcourt and William Rulofson


Earl Andrew Binder


David (Ernest) Bingley (b. 1920)


Otto O. Binder


Hoffman Birney [Herman Hoffman Birney] (b. 1891)


(Drexel) Jerome (Lewis) Bixby


Eric Arthur Blair


James Blish


Robert Bloch (b. 1917)


Lawrence Block (b. 1938)


Ursula Bloom (died 1984)


M. M'Donnell Bodkin [Matthias M'Donnell Bodkin] (1850-1933)


Edwin Booth


Jack Borg [Phillip Anthony John Borg]


Hal Borland [Harold Glen Borland] (b. 1974)


Allan R. (Rucker) Bosworth (b. 1901)


Anthony Boucher [William Anthony Parker White] (1911-1968)


J.L. (Johanes L.) Bouma


David Boutland


Marjorie Bowen [(Gabrielle Margaret Vere Campbell] (1886-1952)


Ray (Douglas) Bradbury (b. 1920)


Caryl Brahms [Doris Caroline Abrahams] (b. 1901)


Christianna Brand [Mary Christianna Milne Brand] (b. 1909)


Alan Brennert (b. 1954)


Lynn Brock [Alister McAllister] (b. 1930)


Fredric Brown (1906-1972)


Howard Browne


John Brunner (1934-1995)


Algis Budrys [Algirdas Jonas Budrys] (b. 1931)


John (Frederick) Burke (b. 1922)


W. R. (William Riley) Burnett (1899-1982)


Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950)


William S. (Seward) Burroughs (1914-1997)


Christopher Bush [Charlie Christmas Bush] (1888-1973)


Gwendoline Butler



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Elizabeth Cadell [Violet Elizabeth Cadell] (b. 1903)


Taylor Caldwell [Janet Miriam Taylor Holland Caldwell] (b. 1900)


Lou Cameron (b. 1924)


John W. Campbell, Jr.


Carro ll M. Capps


Orson Scott Card


John Dickson Carr


Terry Carr


Felicity (Winifred) Carter (b. 1906)

John and Emery Bonett with John H.A. Coulson

Emery Bonett with John H.A. Coulson


James Cawthorne


Louis (Henry) Charbonneau (b. 1924)


Theresa Charles [Irene Maude Swatridge]


Agatha (Mary Clarissa) Christie (1890-1976)


Carolyn Janice Cherry


Arthur C. Clarke


Tom Clancy

The 'real' authors of the Tom Clancy Op-Center, Powerplays, Net Force, etc. books are given in the 1st line of the acknowledgments. Later they were given cover credit.


Virginia (Edith) Coffman (b. 1914)


Will Cook [William Everett Cook] (1921-1964)


Millen Cooke


Catherine Cookson (b. 1906)


Barry Cord [Peter B. Germano] (b. 1913)


John H.A. Coulson (b. 1906)

John and Emery Bonett with Felicity Winifred Carter

Emery Bonett with Felicity Winifred Carter


Frances Cowen (b. 1915)


A.B. (Anthony Berkeley) Cox (1893-1971)


William R. (Robert) Cox (b. 1901)


Mary Francis Craig (b. 1923)


John Creasey (1908-1973)


Chet Cunningham (b. 1928)


Eugene Cunningham (1896-1957)



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Brian C. Daley


Dorothy Daniels (b. 1915)


Peter David


Avram Davidson

Ellery Queen (a few later books)


Dudley Dean [Dudley Dean McGaughy]


L. Sprague de Camp


Lester del Rey


Bernard (Augustine) De Voto (1897-1955)


Joy DeWeese-Wehen (b. 1936)


Thomas M. Disch (b. 1940)


William Dougherty


Harry Sinclair Drago (1888-1979)


Davis Dresser (1904-1977)


Paul Durst (b. 1921)


Dorothy Dunnett (b. 1913)



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Dorothy Eden (1912-1982)


J. T. (John Thomas) Edson (b. 1928)


Anne Eliot [Lois Dwight Taylor] (1903-1979)


Elizabeth [Countess Mary Annette von Arnim, later Countess Russel] (1866-1941)


Rosemary Ellerbeck [Rosemary Anne L'Estrange Ellerbeck]


Ernest (Carpenter) Elmore (1901-1957)


Robin Estridge



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Philip José Farmer


Howard Fast


Frederick (Schiller) Faust (1892-1944)


Robert Arthur Feder


Ronald (Oliver) Felton (b. 1909)


Rose (Dorothy) Franken (b. 1895)

Margaret Grant with W. B. Maloney

Franken Meloney with W. B. Maloney


Jerrold David Friedman


Horace Brown Fyfe



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Randall Garrett

Gordon Aghill (with Robert Silverberg)

Grandal Barretton

Alexander Blade

Ralph Burke (sometimes with Robert Silverberg)

David Gordon

Richard Greer (with Robert Silverberg)

Ivar Jorgenson (with Robert Silverberg)

Darrel T. Langart

Blake MacKenzie

Seaton McKettrig

Clyde Mitchell (with Robert Silverberg)

Mark Phillips (with Laurence M. Janifer)

Robert Randall (with Robert Silverberg)

Leonard G. Spencer (with Robert Silverberg)

S. M. Tenneshaw

Gerald Vance


Charles Garvice (1833-1920)


Chester S. Geier


Roberta (Leah) Gellis (b. 1927)


Henry Gibbs [Henry St. John Clair Rumbold-Gibbs] (b. 1910)


Mary Ann Gibbs [Marjory Elizabeth Sarah Bidwell]


Anne Glasscock (b. 1924)


Harry Goldberg


Edward (St. John) Gorey (1925-2000)


Roger P. Graham


Charles L. Grant


Rob Grant

Grant Naylor (with Doug Naylor)


Maysie Greig [Jennifer Greig-Smith] (b. 1902)


Lee Grimes


Hettie Grimstead


Wyman Guin


James E. Gunn



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Ben Haas [Benjamin Leopold Haas] (1926-1977)


Desmond W. Hall


Oakley (Maxwell) Hall (b. 1920)


E. E. (Eugene Edward) Halleran (b. 1905)


Edmund Hamilton


Thomas W. Hanshew (1857-1914)


Alfred B. (Bennett) Harbage (1901-1976)


Mollie Hardwick


Robert Harling (b. 1910)


John Beynon Harris


Harry Harrison


Michael Harrison (b. 1907)


John B. Harvey (b. 1938)


Phyllis (Dora) Hastings


Heinrich Hauser


Joseph (Arnold) Hayes (b. 1918)


Constance Heaven (b. 1911)


Robert A. Heinlein

Anson MacDonald (Astounding)

Lyle Monroe

John Riverside (Unknown)

Caleb Saunders (Astounding Elsewhen September, 1941)


William Heuman (b. 1912)


Georgette Heyer (1902-1974)


(Edmond) Wallace Hildick (b. 1925)


Grace Livingston Hill (1865-1947)


Pamela Hill (b. 1920)


James Hilton (b. 1900)


Gunard Hjertstedt


Anne Hocking [Mona Naomi Anne Messer Hocking] (b. 1890)


Mason Hoffenberg

Maxwell Kenton (with Terry Southern)


Lee Hoffman (b. 1932)


Ray Hogan [Robert Ray Hogan] (b. 1908)


James Holding (b. 1907)


Isabelle Holland (b. 1920)


Sheila Holland (b. 1937)


C. Hugh Holman [Clarence Hugh Holland] (b. 1914)


Victoria Holt [Eleanor Alice Hibbert] (b. 1906)


William L. Hopson


Sydney Horler (1888-1954)


Clifford (James Wheeler) Hosken (1882-1950)


S.B. (Stanley Bennett) Hough (b. 1917)


Mary Howard [Mary Mussi] (b. 1907)


L. Ron Hubbard


E. (Everette) Howard Hunt (Jr.) (1918-2007)


Elizabeth (Mary Teresa) Hunter (b. 1934)


Evan Hunter (1926-2005)



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Naomi (Ellington) Jacob (1884-1964)


John (William) Jakes (b. 1932)


Laurence M. Janifer (1933-2002)


Cora Jarrett (1877-19??)


G.M. (Geraldine Mary) Jay (b. 1919)


Roderic Jeffries (b. 1906)


W.F. (William Fitzgerald) Jenkins (1896-1975)


Norma Johnston


Velda Johnston


Archie (Lynn) Joscelyn (b. 1899)


Jeanne Judson


William Fitzgerald Jenkins


J. O. Jeppson


George Jewsbury


Raymond F. Jones



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Frank Kane (1912-1968)


Henry Kane (b. 1918)


Elmer Kelton (b. 1926)


Milward Kennedy [Milward Rodon Kennedy Burge] (1894-1968)


Michael Kenyon (b. 1931)


Philip L. Ketchum (1902-1969)


Katheryn Kimbrough [John M. Kimbro] (b. 1929)


John Kippax


Philip Klass (b. 1920)


H. H. (Henry Herbert) Knibbs (1874-1945)


Alanna Knight


Bill Knox [William Knox] (b. 1928)


Cyril M. Kornbluth


Marj Krueger



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Louis L'amour [Louis Dearborn LaMoore] (b. 1908)


Emma Lathen [Mary J. Latis and Martha Hennissart]


Jonathan (Wyatt) Latimer (b. 1906)


Elsie Lee (b. 1912)


Wayne (Cyril) Lee (b. 1917)


Paul Evan Lehman


Fritz Leiber (1910-1992)


Murray Leinster


Milton Lesser (b. 1928)


Shariann Lewitt

S. N. Lewitt

Gordon Kendall (with Susan M. Shwartz)


Alfred Henry Lewis (1857-1914)


C. Day Lewis [Cecil Day Lewis] (1904-1972)


Roy Lewis [John Royston Lewis] (b. 193)


Willy Ley


P.M.A. (Paul Myron Anthony) Linebarger (1913-1966)


Rachel Lindsay


Elizabeth Linington [Barbara Elizabeth Linington] (b. 1921)


Nora Lofts (b. 1904)


Claire Lorrimer [Patricia Denise Clark] (b. 1921)


Peter Lovesey (b. 1936)


Dorothy Mackie Low [Lois Dorothea Low] (b. 1916)


Marie Lowndes [Marie Adelaide Belloc Lowndes] (1868-1947)


James Luceno


Robert Ludlum (b. 1927)



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John D. (Dann) MacDonald (b. 1916)


Philip MacDonald (b. 1899)


Mrs. Patrick MacGill [Margaret MacGill]


Leila (Antoinette Sterling) Mackinlay (b. 1910)


Alistair (Stuart) MacLean (b. 1922)


Charlotte (Matilda) MacLeod (b. 1922)


Jean S. MacLeod (b. 1908)


Daniel Mainwaring (1902-1978)


Audrie Manley Tucker


Hugh Marlowe [Henry Patterson] (b. 1929))


Stephen Marlowe


Jean Marsh [Evelyn Marshall] (b. 1897)


Edison (Tesla) Marshall (1894-1967)


Anne Mather


Richard (Burton) Matheson


Richard Christian Matheson


Robin Maugham [Robert Cecil Romer Maugham] (b. 1916)


Anne Maybury [Anne Buxton]


Helen McCloy [Worrell Clarkson] (b. 1904)


Philip McCutchan [Donald Philip McCutchan] (b. 1920)


George Barr McCutcheon (1866-1928)


Marjorie McEvoy


William P. (Peter) McGivern (b. 1927)


H.C. (Herman Cyril) McNeile (1888-1937)


Mark McShane (b. 1929)


Marijane Meaker (b. 1927)


Judith Merril

Cyril Judd (with C. M. Kornbluth)


Samuel Kimball Merwin, Jr.


Laurence (Walter) Meynell (b. 1899)


Gladys (Maude Winifred) Mitchell (b. 1901)


Michael Moorcock


Doris Langley Moore [Doris Elizabeth Langley Moore]


Nigel Morland (b. 1905)


J.L. (Joseph Lawrence) Morrissey


Charles C. Munoz


Patrice Ann Murphy



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Doug Naylor

Grant Naylor (with Rob Grant)


Braulio Fernandes Tavares Neto


Kris Neville


D.B. (Dwight Bennett) Newton (b. 1916)


Arthur (Thomas) Nickson


Christopher (Robin) Nicole (b. 1930)


Frederick Nolan


William F. Nolan

Frank Anmar

Terence Duncan (Rio Renegades: Powell's Army #8)

James Hopkins


Alice Mary Norton


Charles Nutt


Nelson (Coral) Nye (b. 1907)



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Richard O'Connor (1915-1975)


T.V. (Theodore Victor) Olsen (b. 1932)


Frank O'Rourke (b. 1916)


Wayne D. Overholser (b. 1906)

Fulton Oursler

Barbara Ovstedal



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John Leslie Palmer (1885-1944)

Francis Beeding with Hilary Adam St. George Saunders

Christopher Haddon

David Pilgrim with Hilary Adam St. George Saunders


Raymond A. Palmer


Edgar Pangborn


Lewis B. (Byford) Patten (b. 1915)


Henry Patterson


Jacques Pendower (1899-1976)


Steve Perry


John Robinson Pierce (1910-2002)


Frederik Pohl


Arthur Porges


Margaret (Edith) Potter (b. 1926)


Jerry E. Pournelle


John Wallace Pritchard (b. 1912)



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Ellery Queen [Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee] Frederic Dannay born Daniel Nathan (b. 1905); Manfred Bennington Lee born Manfred Lepofsky (1905-1971)

Other pseudonym Barnaby Ross



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St. George (Henry) Rathborne (1854-1938)


David V. Reed


Robert Reed


John Reese (1910-1951)


Ed Repp [Earl Edward Earl Repp] (1900-1979)


Howard Rigsby [Vechel Howard Rigsby] (1909-1975)


Tom Roan


Keith Roberts (1935-2000)


Nora Roberts (b. 1950)


Frank C. (Chester) Robertson (1890-1969)


Frank M. Robinson


Zola (Helen) Ross (b. 1912)


Donald S. (Sydney) Rowland (b. 1928)


Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Kris Rusch

Sandy Schofield (with Dean W. Smith)



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Dorothy Lucy Sanders (b. 1907)


Hilary Adam St. George Saunders (1898-1951)

Francis Beeding with John Leslie Palmer

David Pilgrim with John Leslie Palmer


James Denson Sayers


Miriam Schlein


Harold Vincent Schoepflin


Roberta Elizabeth Sebenthal


Elizabeth Seifert (b. 1897)


Arthur Sellings [Robert Arthur Ley] (1921-1968)


Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942)


Luis P. (Philip) Senarens (1865-1935)


Dr. Seuss [Theodore Seuss Geisel] (1904-1991)


Felicity Shaw (b. 1918)


Alice Hastings Bradley Sheldon


Samuel Shellabarger (1888-1954)


Wilmar H. (House) Shiras (b. 1908)


John Shirley


Susan M. Shwartz

Gordon Kendall (with S. N. Lewitt)


Jerome Siegel


Robert Silverberg (b. 1935)


Olga (Ellen) Sinclair (b. 1923)


Upton Sinclair (1878-1968)


John T. (Thomas) Sladek (b. 1937)


Frank G. (Gill) Slaughter (b. 1908)


Dean W. Smith

Sandy Schofield (with Kristine Kathryn Rusch)


George H. (Henry) Smith (b. 1922)


Caroline Dale Snedeker (1871-1956)


Charles H. (Horace) Snow (b. 1877)


Jerry Sohl [Gerald Allan Sohl] (b. 1913)


Terry Southern

Maxwell Kenton (with Mason Hoffenberg)


Laurie Taylor Sparer


Bill Spence [William John Duncan Spence] (b. 1923)


Bart Spicer (b. 1918)


Christopher St. John Sprigg (1907-1937)


Margaret St. Clair


Mary Q. (Quintard) Steele (b. 1922)


Marguerite Steen (1894-1975)


Aaron Marc Stein (b. 1906)


Neal Stephenson


Florence Stevenson


J.I.M. (John Innes Mackintosh) Stewart (b. 1906)


G. Harry Stine


Boris Strugatsky


Harry Clement Stubbs


Theodore Sturgeon [Edward Hamilton Waldo] (b. 1918)

Frederick R. Ewing

Ellery Queen (a few later books)


Donald Suddaby (1900-1964)



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Phoebe Atwood Taylor (1909-1976)


Emma (Christina) Tennant (b. 1937)


Sheri Tepper


Josephine Tey [Elizabeth Mackintosh] (1887-1952)


Ross Thomas (b. 1926)


Theodore L. Thomas


Giles Tippette. (b. 1934)


James Tiptree, Jr.


Eve Titus (b. 1922)


Barbara Euphan Todd (d. 1976)


Ruth Tomalin


Ursula Torday


Nigel (Godwin) Tranter (b. 1909)


Elleston Trevor (b. 1920)


Louis (Preston) Trimble (b. 1917)


Miles (Barton) Tripp (b. 1923)


Joanna Trollope (Joanna Potter) (b. 1943)


E.C. (Edwin Charles) Tubb (b. 1919)


John Victor Turner


Philip (William) Turner (b. 1925)


Harry Turtledove


Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910)



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Jack Vance [John Holbrook Vance]


William E. Vance


Helen (Lenore) Van Slyke (1919-1979)


Mrs. A. E. Van Vogt


John Varley


David Vern


A. (Alpheus) Hyatt Verrill (1871-1954)


Roy C. Vickers (1888(?)-1965)


Gore (Eugene Luther) Vidal (b. 1925)


Elizabeth Gray Vining (b. 1902)


John Donaldson Voelker (1903-1991)



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Robert Wade (b. 1920)

Wade Miller with Bill Miller

Will Daemer with Bill Miller

Whit Masterson

Bob Wade

Dale Wilmer with Bill Miller


John Wainright (b. 1921)


J.M. (James Morgan) Walsh (1897-1952)


Sheila Walsh (b. 1928)


Thurman Warriner


D.J. (Denys James) Watkins-Pitchford (1905-1990)


Peter (Christopher) Watts (b. 1919)


Hillary (Baldwin) Waugh (b. 1920)


Jack Webb (b. 1920)


Jean Francis Webb (b. 1910)


Stanley G. (Grauman) Weinbaum (1900-1935)


Rosemary Weir (b. 1905)


Manly Wade Wellman (b. 1903)


Carolyn Wells (1869-1942)


H.G. (Herbert George) Wells (1866-1946)


Joyce (Tarlton) West


Tom West [Fred East] (b. 1895)


Donald E. (Edwin) Westlake (b. 1933)


Rod (Rodney) Whitaker (b. 1925)


Ted White [Theodore Edwin White] (b. 1938)


T.H. (Terence Hanbury) White (1906-1964)


William Anthony Parker White (1911-1968)


Harry Whittington (b. 1915)


Leonard Wibberley [Patrick O'Connor] (b. 1915)


Collin Wilcox (b. 1924)


Gordon Williams (b. 1929)

P.B. Yuill with Terry Venables


Jay Williams (b. 1914)


Jeanne Williams [Dorothy Jeanne Williams] (b. 1930)


Robert Moore Williams (b. 1907)


Valentine Williams [George Valentine Williams] (1883-1946)


Jack Williamson [John Stewart Williamson] (b. 1908)


Dick Wilson

Ivar Towers (with C. M. Kornbluth)


John Burgess Wilson


Donald A. (Allen) Wollheim (b. 1914)


Cornell Woolrich [Cornell George Hopley-Woolrich] (1903-1968)


Anne Worboys [Annette Isobel Worboys]


Richard (Edward) Wormser (1908-1977)


S. (Sydney) Fowler Wright (1874-1965)


Oswald (Morris) Wynd (b. 1913)


John Wyndham [John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris] (1903-1969)


May Wynne [Mabel Winifred Knowles] (1875-19??)



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Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (b. 1942)


A.G. (Alan Geoffrey) Yates (b. 1923)


Samuel Youd


Gordon (Ray) Young



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Roger (Joseph) Zelazny (b. 1937)


Len Zinberg [Leonard S. Zinberg] (1911-1968)


Charlotte Zolotow (b. 1915)


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